Será possível?????
Alguém conhece o componente SoundEx ???
Aroldo Zanela
Alguém conhece o componente SoundEx ???[/quote:ff567c33e0]
Qual é o problema?
unit TSoundex; interface uses Sysutils; Function Soundex(OriginalWord:string):string; Function Soundalike(Word1,Word2:string):boolean; implementation {Soundex function--determines whether two words sound alike. Written after reading an article in PC Magazine about the Soundex algorithm. Pass the function a string. It returns a Soundex value string. This value can be saved in a database, or compared to another Soundex value. If two words have the same Soundex value, then they sound alike (usually!). Note that the Soundex algorithm ignores the first letter of a word. Thus, "won" and "one" will have different Soundex values, but "Won" and "Wunn" will have the same values. Soundex is especially useful in databases when one does not know how to spell a last name} Function Soundex(OriginalWord:string):string; var Tempstring1,Tempstring2:string; Count:integer; begin Tempstring1:=´´; Tempstring2:=´´; OriginalWord:=Uppercase(OriginalWord); {Make original word uppercase} Appendstr(Tempstring1,OriginalWord[1]); {Use the first letter of the word} for Count:=2 to length(OriginalWord) do {Assign a numeric value to each letter, except the first} case OriginalWord[Count] of ´B´,´F´,´P´,´V´: Appendstr(Tempstring1,´1´); ´C´,´G´,´J´,´K´,´Q´,´S´,´X´,´Z´: Appendstr(Tempstring1,´2´); ´D´,´T´: Appendstr(Tempstring1,´3´); ´L´: Appendstr(Tempstring1,´4´); ´M´,´N´: Appendstr(Tempstring1,´5´); ´R´: Appendstr(Tempstring1,´6´); {All other letters, punctuation and numbers are ignored} end; Appendstr(Tempstring2,OriginalWord[1]); {Go through the result, and remove any consecutive numberic values that are duplicates} for Count:=2 to length(Tempstring1) do if Tempstring1[Count-1]<>Tempstring1[Count] then Appendstr(Tempstring2,Tempstring1[Count]); {Maximum Soundex Length is 4, pad if less, then truncate} Appendstr(Tempstring2,´000´); Delete(Tempstring2,5,20); Soundex:=Tempstring2; {This is the soundex value} end; {Soundalike--pass two strings to this function. It returns True if they sound alike, False if they don´t. Simply calls the Soundex function.} Function Soundalike(Word1,Word2:string):boolean; begin if (Soundex(Word1)=Soundex(Word2)) then result:=True else result:=False end; end.
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