Help Hex em um memo



Olá pessoal mais uma vez eu aqui pedindo ajuda..
É o seguinte estou desenvolvendo um aplicativo e preciso visualizar os arquivo que usuário está editando em Hex e ASCII, assim com na imagem veja abaixo:

Exatamente como na imagem só que em um memo ou qualquer outro componente. Achei este código na net mas não estou conseguido adapta-lo para abrir em um memo. Se alguém pude me ajudar... Agradeço.

# include <cstdlib>
# include <iostream>
# include <iomanip>
# include <fstream>
# include <ctime>

using namespace std;

int main ( long argc, char *argv[] );
void handle ( char file_in_name[] );
void timestamp ( void );

int main ( long argc, char *argv[] )
  char file_in_name[80];
  int i;
  bool VERBOSE = true;

  if ( VERBOSE )
    timestamp ( );

    cout << "\\\\\\\\n";
    cout << "HEXDUMP:\\\\\\\\n";
    cout << "  C++ version\\\\\\\\n";
    cout << "\\\\\\\\n";
    cout << "  Compiled on " << __DATE__ << " at " << __TIME__ << ".\\\\\\\\n";
    cout << "\\\\\\\\n";
    cout << "  Produce a hexadecimal dump of a file.\\\\\\\\n";
//  If the input file was not specified, get it now.
  if ( argc <= 1 ) 
    cout << "\\\\\\\\n";
    cout << "HEXDUMP:\\\\\\\\n";
    cout << "  Please enter the name of a file to be analyzed.\\\\\\\\n";

    cin.getline ( file_in_name, sizeof ( file_in_name ) );

    handle ( file_in_name );
//  Otherwise, get the file(s) from the argument list. 
    for ( i = 1 ; i < argc ; ++i ) 
      handle ( argv[i] );

  if ( VERBOSE )
    cout << "\\\\\\\\n";
    cout << "HEXDUMP:\\\\\\\\n";
    cout << "  Normal end of execution.\\\\\\\\n";

    cout << "\\\\\\\\n";
    timestamp ( );
  return 0;

void handle ( char file_in_name[] )
  long int addr;
  unsigned char buffer[20];
  long int cnt;
  long int cnt2;
  ifstream file_in;
  long n;
//  Open the file.
// ( file_in_name );

  if ( !file_in ) 
    cout << "\\\\\\\\n";
    cout << "HANDLE - Fatal error!\\\\\\\\n";
    cout << "  Cannot open \\\\\\\\"" << file_in_name << "\\\\\\\\"\\\\\\\\n";
  cout << "\\\\\\\\n";
  cout << "Hexdump of \\\\\\\\"" << file_in_name << "\\\\\\\\":\\\\\\\\n";
  cout << "\\\\\\\\n";
  cout << 
    "Address               Hexadecimal values                  Printable\\\\\\\\n";
  cout << 
    "-------  -----------------------------------------------  -------------\\\\\\\\n";
  cout << "\\\\\\\\n";
//  Dump the file contents.
  addr = 0;

  while ( 1 )
  { ( ( char * ) buffer, 16 );

    cnt = file_in.gcount();

    if ( cnt <= 0 )
//  Print the address in decimal and hexadecimal.
    cout << setw(7) << ( int ) addr << "  ";

    addr = addr + 16;
//  Print 16 data items, in pairs, in hexadecimal.
    cnt2 = 0;
    for ( n = 0; n < 16; n++ )
      cnt2 = cnt2 + 1;
      if ( cnt2 <= cnt )
        cout << hex << setw(2) << setfill ( ''''0'''' ) << ( int ) buffer[n];
        cout << "  ";
      cout << " ";

    cout << setfill ( '''' '''' );
//  Print the printable characters, or a period if unprintable.
    cout << " ";
    cnt2 = 0;
    for ( n = 0; n < 16; n++ )
      cnt2 = cnt2 + 1;
      if ( cnt2 <= cnt )
        if ( buffer[n] < 32 || 126 < buffer[n] )
          cout << ''''.'''';
          cout << buffer[n];
    cout << "\\\\\\\\n";
    cout << dec;

    if ( file_in.eof ( ) )

  file_in.close ( );


void timestamp ( void )
# define TIME_SIZE 40

  static char time_buffer[TIME_SIZE];
  const struct tm *tm;
  size_t len;
  time_t now;

  now = time ( NULL );
  tm = localtime ( &now );

  len = strftime ( time_buffer, TIME_SIZE, "%d %B %Y %I:%M:%S %p", tm );

  cout << time_buffer << "\\\\\\\\n";

# undef TIME_SIZE
Cgm2k7 2013

Cgm2k7 2013

Curtidas 0