GoogleMaps API IONIC 3
Bom Dia,
Estou estudando IONIC 3 e tentando utilizar a API google maps.
Segui todo o processo de instalação e muitos outros tutoriais da web.
Mas não consigo fazer com que o MAPA apareça na minha tela. Obg.: Não retorna nenhum erro...
page-map {
#map_canvas {
height: 90%;
Estou estudando IONIC 3 e tentando utilizar a API google maps.
Segui todo o processo de instalação e muitos outros tutoriais da web.
Mas não consigo fazer com que o MAPA apareça na minha tela. Obg.: Não retorna nenhum erro...
<ion-header> <ion-navbar> <button ion-button menuToggle> <ion-icon name="menu"></ion-icon> </button> <ion-title>Home</ion-title> </ion-navbar> </ion-header> <ion-content padding> <h3>Ionic GoogleMaps Demo</h3> <p> This is a demo application of <b>@ionic-native/google-maps</b> plugin. </p> <div id="map_canvas"> <button ion-button (click)="onButtonClick($event)">Demo</button> </div> </ion-content>
import { Component } from '@angular/core'; import { IonicPage, NavController, NavParams, Platform, ToastController } from 'ionic-angular'; import { GoogleMaps, GoogleMap, GoogleMapsEvent, GoogleMapOptions, CameraPosition, MarkerOptions, Marker, MyLocation, GoogleMapsAnimation } from '@ionic-native/google-maps'; /** * Generated class for the MapPage page. * * See for more info on * Ionic pages and navigation. */ @IonicPage() @Component({ selector: 'page-map', templateUrl: 'map.html', }) export class MapPage { mapReady: boolean = false; map: GoogleMap; constructor(public navCtrl: NavController, public navParams: NavParams, private googleMaps: GoogleMaps, public platform: Platform, public toastCtrl: ToastController) { platform.ready().then(()=>{ this.loadMap(); }); } loadMap() { let mapOptions: GoogleMapOptions = { camera: { target: { lat: 43.0741904, lng: -89.3809802 }, zoom: 18, tilt: 30 } }; = this.googleMaps.create('map_canvas', mapOptions); // Wait the MAP_READY before using any methods. .then(() => { console.log('Map is ready!'); // Now you can use all methods safely.{ title: 'Ionic', icon: 'blue', animation: 'DROP', position: { lat: 43.0741904, lng: -89.3809802 } }) .then(marker => { marker.on(GoogleMapsEvent.MARKER_CLICK) .subscribe(() => { alert('clicked'); }); }); }); } onButtonClick() { if (!this.mapReady) { this.showToast('map is not ready yet. Please try again.'); return; }; // Get the location of you .then((location: MyLocation) => { console.log(JSON.stringify(location, null ,2)); // Move the map camera to the location with animation return{ target: location.latLng, zoom: 17, tilt: 30 }).then(() => { // add a marker return{ title: '@ionic-native/google-maps plugin!', snippet: 'This plugin is awesome!', position: location.latLng, animation: GoogleMapsAnimation.BOUNCE }); }) }).then((marker: Marker) => { // show the infoWindow marker.showInfoWindow(); // If clicked it, display the alert marker.on(GoogleMapsEvent.MARKER_CLICK).subscribe(() => { this.showToast('clicked!'); }); }); } showToast(message: string) { let toast = this.toastCtrl.create({ message: message, duration: 2000, position: 'middle' }); toast.present(toast); } }
page-map {
#map_canvas {
height: 90%;
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